7991963年,古巴的导弹危机甚嚣尘上,美国新任总统约翰•肯尼迪则正处在大展身手的好时机。13岁的华盛顿男孩亚当•斯达福德(Cameron Bright 饰)便生活在这个特殊的时代里,他如每个同龄人一样,...滴水之恩
271A woman gets entangled in a series of bizarre lies in order to take care of herself and her 12 year ...失真的画
506五年前,一系列模仿名画场景的连环杀人案轰动纽约城,警探斯坦(Willem Dafoe 饰)受命调查此案,然而却迟迟没有进展,令其饱受舆论压力。斯坦以少女克莉斯特(Samantha MacIvor 饰)...妙贼警探第四季
843Despite successfully escaping after having robbed the Federal Reserve, a notorious thief returns to retrieve the stash he left behind. Peter and Neal妙贼警探第三季
478Despite successfully escaping after having robbed the Federal Reserve, a notorious thief returns to retrieve the stash he left behind. Peter and Neal